+ 267 76 878 752
Waste oil collection gaborone maun franicstown oily rags grease oil filters oily water
The Ins And Outs of How We Do Business
How do I become a client - I need you to collect NOWEasy !! Call us or email us - Download a SLA (Service Level Agreement) and we can start providing you with our service. Call and ask for our consulant to conduct a site inspection visit. Send us a WhatsAmp Message it's faster
How Much does it Cost ? Do you Pay for the used oil ?Like gold , silver , copper and crude oil everything has a determined price on the international markets. Used Engine Oil uses the Landed Bunker Price of Crude in Durban with certain factors to determine a rough price. Obvoiusily, we weigh these factors against our total service comintement to each and every client. Contact us -- Our Services Vary from each individual client and we have rebates and offsets for our used oil collection WhatsAmp Us and give us your details
Do you collect used oil mixed with water?No and Yes. Separation costs money and time -- If you call us to collect certain litres of used oil and it happens that more than 30 % is oily water. We will inform yourselves before collection process is complete and generate an Invoice for which we would demand an order & Payment before the service is complete. It pays you in the long run to have separate disposal tanks for certain hydro-carbon wastes DO NOT MIX
Can i mix thinners used by painters and anti frezzer to my used oil?No & No No No Nooooo This is a very bad idea.... You'll get away with it once or twice but very soon we'll pick up on it and inform yourselves. In some cases we might do the used oil collection for free and some generators might be tempted to take advantage of costly disposals by mixing it into the used oil. This can be very danagours. And result in us Blacklisting you
Is it OK to Mix different types of OilsAll types of mineral oils in a mixed container / tank is perfectly fine for us. However if you happen to generate large qty's of different types of oil, it will pay in the long run to separate them - The credit value for hydraulic oil is higher than that of used motor oil
Now I am a client -- I have nothing to worry about Rra Selepe WILL DO EVERYTHING !!!There's a common misperception that we will do everything and are responsible for everything !!! Not So Basic things like house keeping and keeping your area clean is still your responsbility. Take for example, a sewage sucking removal company -- Your contractor does just that , the sucking up of the sewage and nothing more .... We are the same ... the sewage sucking removal company would not be expected to srcab and wash clean your toilets and maintain them in a good state. We expect the same ... We expect your oil tanks to be clean and free from any other waste , we also expect the same of the used oil filter containers.
I can'nt get my Bussiness operating licence from the Town Council because i do'nt have an approval SLADownload a SLA now from our download page -- 1 Fill it out 2 Email back to us 3 Call us that the SLA was emailed 4 Ask for a return signed SLA to be emailed back to you
I keep calling and you always come late and i'm not happy with Rra Selepe Now !It's hard to be No 1 always and sometimes we let people down. Better to be honest but when you feel it's too much as us Batswana would say
Do you keep copies of all of the disposal certificates ? I lost mine, now the council has a spot check on me"We keep everything its a requirement under the ACT. So if you need older disposal certificates give us a call , we'll happliy email them to you. We can even WhatsAmp them to you in a hurry
I have just called Rra Selepe to collect used oil -- What do I need to do on myside ?1 Make sure we have access to the used oil tank and all vehicles and/or abstractions are out of the way. 2 Make sure someone of managment or a responsible person is on site to witness the removal process. 3 Make sure it's Rra Selepe Collecting ( We have had cases whereby other UNLICENCED operators have claimed to be Rra Selepe)
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SLA - Service Level Agreement
This is an important agreement between us and you but it's useful document required in most business applications with the local town council
Facility Licence
This is our licence from Government. It's important to ensure our licence is valid and our most recent licence will be here for the general public to download
Carrier Licences
This is a secondary sub-licence to the facility licence also issued by the Government licencing body.
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These are web water marked documents
Contact Us for additional documents :
International Hydro-Carbon Transit insurance
Transbounary Permits
SLA - Service Level Agreement
This is an important agreement between us and you but it's useful document required in most business applications with the local town council
Facility Licence
This is our licence from Government. It's important to ensure our licence is valid and our most recent licence will be here for the general public to download
Carrier Licences
This is a secondary sub-licence to the facility licence also issued by the Government licencing body.